Cannabis Oil; Full Legalization Bills Pre-Filed for 2015 Legislative Session


allen and curt(APN) ATLANTA — Once again, Georgia will be among many U.S. states considering medicinal cannabis, or marijuana, in 2015.

Up for consideration in Georgia are a total of three pre-filed bills: State Rep. Allen Peake’s (R-Macon) House Bill 1, and State Sen. Curt Thompson’s Senate Bill 7 and Senate Resolution 6.


SB 7 and HB 1 are medicinal marijuana programs, while SR 6 is Thompson’s attempt at full legalization.


There are currently 23 U.S. states, plus Washington, DC, that have effective medical cannabis laws, including Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington.


There are also currently four states that have legalized cannabis altogether, including Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington.


Peake’s bill provides for legalization of medicinal strains in an oil form, while Thompson’s allows for consumption in whole plant form.


Both CBD and THC, or cannabinoids, offer great benefits for patients suffering from a vast array of aliments.  The cannabinoid THC, however, contains psychoactive properties, whereas CBD’s do not.


“Regardless of someone’s socio-economic level, they should have access to medicines that can help them; their quality of life is the issue here,” Thompson told Atlanta Progressive News. “This will be modeled after the Arizona program.”


Prop 203 passed in Arizona by 50.13 percent in 2010, allowing patients to have 2.5 ounces of usable medicine on hand, and up to twelve plants.  Arizona also allows cards from other states that have medicinal programs.


According to Thompson’s bill: “If the qualifying patient’s registry identification card provides that the qualifying patient is authorized to cultivate marijuana plants, eight marijuana plants contained in an enclosed, locked facility,” are permitted.


The ailments covered under Thompson’s bill include “Cancer, glaucoma, positive status for human immunodeficiency virus, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, hepatitis C, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Crohn’s disease, agitation of Alzheimer’s disease, or the treatment of such conditions; a chronic or debilitating disease or medical condition or its treatment that produces one or more of the following: cachexia or wasting syndrome; severe and chronic pain; severe nausea; seizures, including those characteristic of epilepsy; or severe and persistent muscle spasms, including those characteristic of multiple sclerosis; or any other medical condition or its treatment added by the department pursuant to 105 Code Section 43-34-122.1”.


A legalization bill presented by Thompson is also up for consideration.


“Senator Thompson and I are not at odds with each other.  I respect his right to introduce legislation.  His [legalization] bill helps and hurts us; it muddies the water for the average citizen. They are two distinct, separate bills with a clear distinction of two different paths.  I won’t go down the path of recreational, or full legalization,” Representative Peake told APN.


While Peake’s medicinal legislation does not include full plants, it does include a dispensary piece, although it is very restrictive.


“Patients would go to a qualified doctor and recommend cannabis oil as a possible treatment to the patient; the patient would register with Department of Public Health for their medicinal card, then they can go to a license retail center.  There will be cap for the number of licensed growers, processors, and retailers  probably five or six.  One owner could have multiple locations in the state.  We will not go towards an at-home growing program.  Patients will not be allowed to grow,” Peake said.


The issue of letting patients or caregivers of patients grow their own medicine is a point of contention.  Some patients have little ability to leave their house to visit a dispensary and if they do not have an assigned caregiver, finding medicine may be very difficult.


The language for HB 1 has not been solidified but will include language about aliments.


“Cancer and glaucoma, allowed under State law, along with seizure and epilepsy.  ALS and chronic pain are also being looked at.  The threshold of THC that everyone is comfortable with opens the door for opportunities regarding diagnosis.  You can’t say ‘I’ve got a headache, I can take medical cannabis, that’s not what we want,’” Peake told APN.


“We were concerned that [Peake’s] bill was too narrow,” Thompson said.


Meanwhile, full legalization, it seems, is a long shot.


“His referendum… is almost dead on arrival.  There is not the appetite for that at the Legislature; the Governor has said he is not interested in the path like Colorado has taken,” Peake said.


“Thompson has thrown it out there as matter of ‘just seeing.’  I’ve angered enough people on both sides of the aisle to know I’m doing a good job.  We have got a ‘mommy lobby’ of moms who have children with seizure disorders that have done an incredible job at the Legislature. They’ve done a phenomenal job and are the inspiration for this bill.  It’s clear the public wants this,” Peake said.


“I’m a mother activist.  We all want the children to have medicine and not have to move to Colorado.  Some have moved and are getting both CBD and THC therapy, and it’s working for them,” Sharon Ravert, Executive Director of Peachtree NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) said.


“It’s been a dog and pony show.  A lot of people were open to listening to science and doctors during the Committee hearing [last year],” Ravert said.


“We’re in a rock and a hard place.  They are scared about the word, ‘high.’  These children and adults are getting high on pharmaceuticals.  It’s a battle between synthetic versus natural and herbal.  People are trying to get away from pharmaceuticals.  They want to bring the pharmaceutical industry to extract the CBD oil; what about the rest of the plant?  It can be used. It’s just insane.  What is the problem with feeling good?  Why do our leaders have a hard time with patients feeling good, even for little while?” Ravert told APN.


Peake’s bill, unlike last year, would include THC oils as well as CBD oils, for the same reason mentioned by Sen. Thompson.  “This bill includes CBD oils and some THC.  We want to benefit as many people as possible and by including some THC oils for patients, we can do that,” Peake said.


Ravert couldn’t say if Peachtree NORML would be for Peake’s bill or not, but she did tell APN that if both CBD and THC oils were not a part of Peake’s legislation, they would oppose it.


“We would love for them to come up with something beautiful to support all people,” Ravert said.


According to Peake, the votes are there for his legislation; Thompson assumes they are there for his medicinal program as well.


Last year, over 30,000 people were arrested in Georgia for possession of marijuana.



  • The need to immediately, completely, legalize Marijuana throughout the world is one of the most pressing moral issues of our time.

    More and more present and former members of law enforcement agree, and have formed a rapidly expanding group of current and former undercover cops, FBI, DEA, prosecutors and Judges, from all over the world, called

    LEAP — Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

    because they’ve seen the damage prohibition causes to America and the world.


    I’m a Scientist. Not a politician, not a cop.

    But as a Scientist with a strong interest in Cancer research, I feel even more strongly about the need to ensure that no Cancer patient is denied it, because I’m so impressed with its benefits for Cancer patients.

    I urge everyone reading this to PLEASE call and email the Attorney General, the press, Congress and the President today.

    Medical Marijuana helps with Alzheimer’s, Autism, Cancer, seizures, PTSD and chronic pain, and has helped may Americans, including many veterans, stop using Alcohol, and hard drugs, both legal and illegal ones.

    Every minute an American dies of Cancer.
    Every 19 minutes an American dies of a prescription drug overdose.
    Many vets become addicted to prescription opiates and die from them.

    NOBODY has ever died from smoking too much pot.

    Cancer patients are seeing remarkable results using high dose Medical Marijuana oil, in many cases achieving complete remission, even for stage 4 cancers — there are many excellent articles on the web, and videos on youtube with patient’s personal stories about their experiences with it — and every Cancer patient that uses Marijuana to ease their suffering benefits greatly from doing so.

    It is immoral to leave Marijuana illegal, for anyone, for even a second longer.

    For Cancer patients, its a matter of life and death.

    Cancer patients can’t wait.

    Medical Marijuana has an unmatched safety profile, and for people who suffer from so many diseases, of so many kinds, its a medical miracle — and the scientific evidence behind it is rock solid.

    For Cancer patients, Medical Marijuana encourages apoptosis and autophagy of Cancer cells, while leaving normal cells untouched, is anti-angigogenic, anti-proliferative, and is anti-angiogenic.

    Its also synergistic with chemotherapy and radiation therapy, making both more effective.

    For many Cancer patients its meant the difference between life and death.

    For everyone else, its a far safe alternative to Alcohol, and infinitely safer than Cigarettes.

    Either take them off the market too, or legalize Marijuana right now.

    2016 is too far away, Its too long to wait. Every year we lose more Americans to Cancer than died in WWII.

    Between now and the 2016 elections, roughly 1 MILLION Americans will die of Cancer.

    And Its a horrible way to die.

  • Georgia should legalize it and promote marijuana tourism. I’ve been to Colorado and I’ve been to Hilton Head. Hilton Head has better beaches! Georgia could win!


  • Great article Barbara very informative.

  • We need your help and support to reform Georgia’s marijuana laws. WE ARE NOT CRIMINALS!
    Go to:
    Thanks APN for the great coverage! jb

  • I think it would be stupid not to legalize cannabis because it does help with certain medical conditions and I believe that it would be better to fully legalize it cause regardless people on the get prescription drugs from the streets just like they get everything else so just making it medical use is not going to stop people from getting it and the crime rate is going to still be the same if not worse they should fully legalize it heck alcohol is legal and people die from alcohol poison all the time and when have you ever heard of anyone dying from marijuana? Never has any one ever died from too much pot I think it’s stupid to even argue the fact it should just be legal plus the state of Georgia could benefit from it this state would make billions from it Colorado did

  • 2015 we win! Smell that Peake, it’s whole plant coming dipstick. Keep your pills, and oils we want to get high.

  • Doctor Palmer Bryan

    Good Day, Cannabis oil cures cancer and it was discovered by Rick Simpson. I started helping patients cure thier cancer with cannabis oil since Rick Simpson stopped selling it. It have saved millions of patients and can cure your cancer too. Contact Dr.Palmer on this email and place order on your cannabis oil and more info on it email:

  • Ok. First I want to say that we shouldn’t be talking about “getting high”. Its not helping out. Now my opinion. I believe that marijuana being a schedule 1 drug is completely insane. Obviously it has medicinal properties. Its been proven. The government argues no evidence has been given but being a schedule 1drug means it can’t be researched. So what are we to do? Millions die from alcohol every year. None from marijuana. In my town everyone and their mom (literally) abuses prescription meds. Think about this for a minute. If Phillip Morris was trying to produce his deadly cancer sticks now-a-days, what would happen? He would be shut down. The war on drugs has been taking place for….40 years? At some point we have to realize that we are NOT going to win. Where there’s a demand, there will always be a supply. Cut out the cartels and keep all the funds. Spend it on the kids. Spend it on the elderly. Spend it on the war on other drugs. I don’t care but give the people what they want. It’s un-American to tell someone they can’t use a plant from the earth. It’s our body. Its our choice. I will be hoping for great change in the near future. Let’s all come together and make this happen.

  • Hello Mr. Rick Simpson,

    Am very honoured to inform you that I have been total cured of my lungs cancer with appreciation to the motivation you gave to me even when I was told by my doctor I had only 6 months to live before my lungs cancer will strike me out of this beautiful universal which I have accumulated so much resources to last me and my family for enternity.

    After reading the cancer cannabis oil miracle cure in the clinic where I was admitted, I had to contact Mr. Rick Simpson on his email: in order to secure the medication and with fast responses from them, I eventually made order for the medication which arrive within 3 days of order.
    I started treatment and implementing every instructions along with diet I was place on, I started noticing almost instant results! It’s been 106 days and my lungs cancer is finally under control, no matter what I eat or do with my life, I have been verified that my lungs cancer has been cured by 7 Hospitals here in the State. email:

    My doctor along side with Nurses have been totally confused on how I beat my cancer in 106 days, I have fully recovered and I am now a free agent from cancer of the lungs, and it’s all thanks to Mr. Rick Simpson.

    Thank you, I am forever grateful.

  • Warm regards to everyone reading this, i want to use this medium to thank rick simpson for the help he rendertd to me and my family over three months of treathing my mom of her bone cancer with his cannabis oil which we purchased at
    am saying a very big thank you to rick for curing my mom of her cancer with his powerful oil.
    Am advising all my brevrend to purchase his\her oil here at RICKCANNABISOIL02@OUTLOOK.COM.
    purchase it now and see the difference, it really worked for me and i know it would work for fellow brothers and sisters having similar problem.


  • Thank God Almighty that led me to Dr ricksimpson who with his humanitarian heart helped my Daughter that had cancer of the breast with his Hemp Oil. I am so grateful that my 21 years old daughter is back alive and healthy and can do all the things she like without any hindrance in her life. Dr ricksimpson, your medication is the only cure for cancer,tumor and from the bottom of my heart, I sincerely say you are the best and i will always give thanks to God for you to have long life so you can help many more people on earth with your medical service to humanity.with you i now believe that the hemp Oil is real and True,for all those who have problem relating to cancer and other diseases should contact Dr ricksimpson

  • I want to thank rick simpson and the entire management of ricksimpsonmedicalservices for their life saving cannabis oil that cured my wife’s thyroid cancer,the doctor told me there was little she could since despite all the chemo and radiation,she wasn’t responding to a friend of mine came to our rescue by ordering this cannabis oil from rick simpson medicals services which he said rick has been helping patients fight against cancer of various types so we decided to give it a try,so far my wife is improving very well and presently she can walk around the house all by herself.i felt it’s necessary i let others especially those suffering from this acute disease that once you have a good cannabis oil,it can really give a second chance at life.if you happen to be in dying need of this cannabis oil,you can contact the foundation who supplied us with this

  • I never knew cannabis oil was indeed wonderful and very effective in treating cancer’ if not for the government and their so called rules in regulating cannabis my Dad would have still been alive. thanks to the newly policy for legalizing cannabis in my state i would have still lost my son to kidney cancer, i was really touched and surprised when i watch lots of documentary on how cannabis oil had helped lot of people whom their family members never thought they could make it after undergoing several ”Chemo” from the dept of my heart i must say a word of appreciation to Mr. Rick Simpson for the timely intervention in the life of my son suffering from Kidney Cancer. as i am writing this testimony on this Blog my Son is so strong and healthy in spite he hasn’t completed the total Dosage’ for your cannabis and medical consultation try and get in touched with him through his email: so he can enlightened you more.


    Hi I am ANGELA NOVOA REYES i has been suffering from thyroid cancer which was confirmed to be stage four, the doctor told me there was little i could do since i wasn’t responding to treatment but my brother in law came to my rescue by ordering this hemp oil from Dr Walker which he said has been helping some patient fight against cancer of various types so we decided to give it a chance, so far i am improving perfectly very well and presently i can walk around the house all by myself. I felt its necessary i let others who are suffering from this acute disease that once you have a good Cannibas oil it can really give one a sound second chance of living. if you happen to be in need of this Cannibas oil you can contact the foundation who supplied me Cannibas oil email:

    OFFICE ADDRESS: 32 Watson Road, Birmingham,
    West Midlands 5SA B7,
    United Kingdom, postal Code 560010.
    Tel: + 44 ~ 703 ~ 193 ~ 6022.

  • We already lost hope, the report came that my husband cannot go for more Chemo anymore. But after so many research online, I gained a lot about the cannabis oil that i bought from Dr. Ejiro whose contact I got online on reading a testimony about his past works and glory, The medication was delivered to me within 24 hours by the UPS delivery service after procurement. My husband completed his treatment with this cannabis oil, unquenchable joy to all as my husband is cured of his stage 4 lungs cancer within 90 days of treatment. Thanks to Dr Ejiro, today i acknowledge the greatness of cannabis oil and to those that wish to purchase the medication contact Dr. Ejiro at:

    Cannabis Oil is the right medication for all type of cancer diseases, contact for 100% pure cannabis oil

  • I am a 45 year old woman who is a chronic migraine sufferer since the age of 16 years old, have really bad Meniere’s Disease for over 3 years now, oestoarthritus in all my joints so in pain most of the time & suffer terribly with anxiety which aggravates the Meniere’s Disease & visa versa. I have been told the medicinal marijuana would benefit me greatly in my day to day life struggles & allow me to have a much better quality of life! Due to my illnesses, I can no longer drive, no longer work or do any of the activities that I used to enjoy. Even going to do a weekly grocery shop is a great challenge for me. At that point of my life, I am willing to try anything available to even increase my quality of life slightly & help curb some of my symptoms. I bought the cannabis oil by emailing and i started using the cannabis oil for treatment and it was perfectly helping me restore my health, i began to see great changes in my health condition and that was how my chronic migraines was cured and gone with cannabis oil treatment. I can now do every activities and drive very well.

  • Lawmakers in Maine and Nyc , worrying its results on children, are discussing
    bills to exclude its purchase to minors.

  • Warm appreciation to Dr. rick simpson for curing my Breast cancer with cannabis oil. I really appreciate your help in bring back my lost life with the help of his high quality Cannabis Oil, i am so grateful to you Dr for all the love and concern that you showed me and i would keep on giving my testimony about your Cannabis oil and how is cures Cancer within 90 days of treatment. it just like a Miracle that has happened to me with full recovery from cancer and i am free from Cancer. Thanks be to God Almighty for sending you my way Dr, i hope and know that you would keep on putting smiles on world at large with this great medication. for all solution to cancer and other diseases. Those facing health challenges should go for cannabis oil to ensure the absolute cure of all kinds of cancerous diseases. For hopes and help, kindly contact Dr.rick simpson for full knowledge about the medication and Services to you. Dr. for all solution to cancer and other diseases.

    Julie Fred

  • Mrs Lynn Becker

    I have had experiences
    with Mr. Rick Simpson
    Cannabis Oil that if I
    shared, everyone would
    believe. The truth is, it
    isn’t my job to convince
    the world that my
    testimony is true. Take
    Jesus for example, he
    did signs and wonders in
    front of great
    multitudes and people
    still would not believe
    while others refused to
    accept it. There are
    people who will not
    believe it, but there
    billions who will believe it
    and those are the ones
    their faith works.
    In the end of it all, it is
    the work of God and the
    grace given to allow a
    person to have faith in
    believing it.
    If God wanted you to
    share a testimony, than
    share it. God will and
    can use your testimony
    to reach out to others,
    you may not know in this
    lifetime how your
    testimony affected
    others but God can use
    it to affect so many
    My Mother was diagnosed
    with breast cancer on
    the 08/10/2013, She
    has been through all
    conventional treatment
    without any useful
    Early this year, her
    Doctor told her that she
    had few months left to
    live. she was at the point
    of death with cancer of
    the Breast in it final
    God in his Merciful way
    help us reach Rick
    which we where able to
    acquire the Cannabis Oil
    from him for the
    treatment of my mother
    breast cancer. Sharing
    this testimony to inform
    you all that my mother
    isn’t dead, But she is
    now with the new
    strengthen in the Lord
    and her cancer of the
    breast has been total
    eradicated from her
    system by Cannabis oil
    from Rick Simpson via
    Thanks to Rick Simpson
    cannabis oil that we
    bought at
    The cannabis oil has
    been successfully used in
    curing my mother breast
    cancer within 3 months.
    Once again i want to
    thank Rick Simpson for
    his wonderful cannabis
    Oil which just brought
    back my precious Mum to
    live. you can contact him
    for your medication at:
    The devil doesn’t want
    you to share the
    testimony that you have
    about Rick Simpson
    Cannabis oil, and devil.
    he wants you to be
    afraid. Pray and ask
    the Lord for strength
    and boldness. God wont
    ask us to do something
    without providing the
    means in doing it. Do not
    be discouraged on what
    others think, or if they
    believe it or not, step
    out in faith and let us
    here this glorious
    testimony so that we can
    raise our hands up to
    the Lord and praise him!
    Let Support Rick Simpson
    movement at:
    He gives power to the
    weak, And to those who
    have no might He
    increases strength. Even
    the youths shall faint
    and be weary, And the
    young men shall utterly
    fall, But those who wait
    on the Lord Shall renew
    their strength; They
    shall mount up with
    wings like eagles, They
    shall run and not be
    weary,They shall walk
    and not faint. Isaiah
    40: 29-31
    Thanks To Rick Simpson.
    Yours Sincerely. Lynn Becker

  • patricia warren

    My Mother was diagnosed with stage four colon cancer about a one year ago, she has had an extremely difficult journey. She has had two rounds of chemotherapy, one round or Y90 Radiation and now is experiencing liver failure. Jaundice, a weak appetite and depression are a few of her symptoms. I’m wondered what other treatment options she has (such as a liver transplant or a clinical trial) and also how long she has to live. My mother is my best friend and hero, she endures so much as your loved ones do too.but a cousin of mine came to our rescue by ordering this hemp oil from a foundation in US,and so far the medication has proved my mother can do things she never could do before,i am so happy so i decided to use this medium to alert all cancer patient that with a good hemp oil,you can definitely beat cancer.if you happen to be in need of this medication,you can contact the foundation with this email:( for more information and the delivery process. Thanks and God bless you.

  • My Story .
    As a natural born skeptic, I spent countless time and energy researching all the available treatment options aside from what my oncologist recommended. I was DETERMINED to cure my cancer, and knew there was something out there after witnessing a number of people who not only survived, but thrived and went on to live fulfilling lives cancer-free. In addition to reading about Rick Simpson Oil, and watching the Run From the Cure video, I also spoke with people who had actually used the oil, and it was shocking to hear one after another how effective this medicine really was. I just couldn’t believe there was a cure out there and how wrong it was that this information is not being shared with the public!
    Treatment Reginae:
    I have a pretty big tolerance for marijuana, so I started off with a full grain of rice sized amount of oil instead of a half grain. I gradually increased the dosage every night until I reached a full gram each night. The standard protocol for Rick Simpson Oil is ingesting a total of 60 grams over the course of 90days which is 3 months, but I had 80 grams in total for safe measure. I used the excess as a topical skin care treatment, attacking the visible brown spots on my face and neck.
    3 months later, my cancer was in full remission. Within 4 months, I am cancer-free and officially received a clean bill of health from my doctors. What they don’t know is that the majority of my treatment was using the Rick Simpson Oil. I did use some of the medication they prescribed, but it was in combination with the oil.
    I am elated I want to continue sharing with people who are experiencing what I went through that there is absolutely hope and a cure out there. They just need to be proactive and aggressive with treatment, not wait until it is too late. Get your medication at Rick Simpson medication center via Email:
    In addition to being an effective cancer fighter, there are some nice side effects that come from using the Rick Simpson oil, for instance, I no longer need to take any pain killers. Just one or two drops of the oil will ease the pain and help you sleep like a baby. Best of all, its natural, Thanks to all the staff at Amsterdam’s Garden who guided me throughout this journey. You guys are awesome!a

  • To Rick Simpson and Phoenix Tears,

    Firstly I want to thank you for the excellent cancer miracle cure guide you left in the world that cured my breast cancer. It’s truly something I’ve never heard about before.

    I’ve followed the exact guidelines you set out for me when i received the medication and I have now successfully free from the terrible disease that almost take my if, your cannabis oil sensitivity drastically.

    It’s such a relief for me and my family and I can’t wait to see what the future brings me.

    Anyone out there facing this terrible disease, i would advise don’t face it alone. Write Phoenix Tears At and get your solution.

    Thank you both for this wonderful opportunity.


  • I am from USA, I was diagnosed of Emphysema (COPD) in 2015 and I have tried all possible means to get cured, i even visited pulmonologist but all to no avail, until i saw a post in a health forum about a herbal doctor from south Africa who prepare herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases including Emphysema, at first i doubted if it was real but decided to give it a try, when i contacted this herbal doctor via his email he sent me the Emphysema herbal medicine through courier service, when i received this herbal medicine, he gave me step by instructions on how to apply it, when i applied it as instructed i was totally cured of this deadly disease within 12-14 days of usage, if you are suffering of this diseases you can as well Contact this great herbal doctor via his email

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